Sunday, April 18, 2010

Think Big or just Dream Syok Only?

A lot of people say if you wanted to become rich and successful, you need to have big dream, long term vision and action plans towards achieving it. Only when you start to think BIG in every aspects of your life, you’ll then know how to recognize opportunities and seize them before anyone else. But is this really true or its just another stupid rhetoric?

Given the uncertainty and weakening of the global economy started in late 2008, it was extremely common then that employers embarked on the so-called cost cutting and/or budget streamlining exercise in order to weather through the global financial storm - irregardless to whether their company was actually making losses or not. They told their employees to “Think Big” for their company’s long term sustainability. Therefore everyone needs to find effective ways to “Do More with Less”.

For sure, one of the common outcomes of such policy is resentment at workplace – the unhappy employees who can’t really focus and comprehend on such Think Big rhetoric and be contented with more work and earn less. To them, this magic phrase of “Think Big” sounds more like exploitation of cheap labour a.k.a. work more and say [complaint] less campaign. That’s probably why many of these working classes nowadays never believed and bothered to think and dream big for their life anymore. Some others were daunted by the journey and gave up halfway; a rare few looked to the horizon, smiled, and resolved to strive forward the long, weary path of thinking big!

Indeed, I myself was once a big thinker and I did set a lot of major life goals especially during New Year’s eve, of year 2000, 2001, 2002...,. However, as time really waits for no men, years gone by quickly and many of these New Years’ eve resolutions remain as big dreams unfulfilled. Well, not so much due to self procrastination but rather being too complacent and to certain extent, too afraid to take risks, to move out of comfort zones and step forward for drastic change.

Certainly, I do recognize that everyone’s life needs to be inspired by big thinking. However, getting the “Big Think” done indeed requires a hell lot of self motivation and perspiration. Without any strong courage to achieve this big thing, it’s just like mental masturb**ion i.e. Dream Syok [for fun] only, unfortunately. If no determination and actions to be taken, nothing can be achieved, status quo remains only if you're lucky. And that’s why I have now started this Breakthrough Desperado Blog, with one simple objective, that is to encourage sharing and motivating myself and many of you out there to be bold, think real big, take courage and step forward towards achieving our much needed change and breakthrough in life!

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