It is simple logic
that any individual or organization cannot achieve breakthrough and success if the
focus is solely on taking up the leadership roles and with no willingness to
play an effective follower’s roles. It is undeniable that the effectiveness of
any leader is to a great extent dependent on the willingness and consent of the
followers. Without followers, there can be no leader. Listed below are four critical
characteristics of being an effective followership:

Secondly, effective
followers think for and carry out duties with assertiveness and motivation. They
can be independent, critical thinkers for the impact of their actions, creative
and innovative, and take criticism constructively. They are rational and responsible human resources who can succeed without strong leadership
because they are committed to the vision and purpose of being a leader.
Thirdly, effective
followers are distinguishable from ineffective followers by their enthusiasm
and self-reliant participation in the pursuit of team objective. Ineffective
followers on the other hand, are often critical, cynical, apathetic, and
alienated and become experts at the “the blame game,” blaming everybody around
them for problems.
Finally, followers
sometimes need to function as leaders whenever is required. Indeed, followers
and leaders are linked together in interrelated roles and are dependent on each
other. Clearly, the importance of followers cannot be underestimated.
As we devote much of our
time and money to further develop our leadership qualities, perhaps we should also
keep reminding ourselves that followership is what enables leaders the
opportunity to achieve breakthrough and successes.